The Blog
Combating Election Day Anxiety and Pandemic Fatigue
With everything that has transpired this year, the pandemic fatigue has definitely set in.
It has been a tumultuous year, with significant changes to our lifestyles.
Burnout, exhaustion, feeling overwhelmed--these are all common current themes.
September: Suicide Prevention Month
According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the USA. In 2018, 48,344 Americans died by suicide, and there were 1.4 million suicide attempts. Suicide is a public health concern.
Tips for A Safe Labor Day Weekend!
Labor Day Weekend--a long weekend we associate with barbecues, family gatherings, beaches, and the unofficial end of summer!
It is foremost a day to honor American workers.
This particular year, we of course honor all of the essential workers, without whom our society could not have weathered these last 6 months.
Why you must have not only a Mentor, but also a Sponsor.
We are often advised that we should have professional and personal mentors—individuals who can guide and assist us in our paths toward success.
However, what we may or may not realize is that there is a distinction between mentorship and sponsorship. To succeed in the workplace, one needs not only mentors, but sponsors.
3 Health Tips for the Heat Wave
According to the CDC, more than 700 people die per year from heat related illness.
4 Important Life Lessons from the Pandemic
Life has changed drastically over the last few months. Everything has been shrouded in uncertainty. And this pandemic has really brought out our humanity and our vulnerabilities.
But there are a few things that have become clear over these past few months:
Why did I pick Cardiology?
The answer, for me, is definitely multifactorial—including the types of role models I had been exposed to, the types of practice styles offered, and the opportunities for procedures.
3 Tips for a Safe Fourth of July
July 4th is typically a time we associate with friends, family gatherings, fireworks, barbecues, beaches, picnics, pool parties, and summer vibes!
Healthcare Barriers for LGBTQ+ Patients
This past week would have been the Pride March in New York City! This has gotten me thinking about the care we provide to LGBTQ+ patients.
10 Tips for Surviving Intern Year
Internship is arguably the most grueling year of medical training, one that will test your resilience. But looking back, it was also a year filled with immense growth (professional and personal), memories, and friendships.